
-2009 July, The sediment-related disasters due to a heavy rain in Chugoku and north Kyushu Region

-2008 June, Steep slope failure in Kumamoto

-2008 Jun., Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake, Iwate and Miyagi pref.

-2008 June, Steep slope failure in Oita

-2008 Apr., Landslide attacked Geothermal Power Station, Iwate pref., Japan 2008 Apr.

-2007 Jul, The Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake

-2007 Mar.Ishikawa

-2006 Jun.-Aug., Japan

-2006 May. Gifu

-2005 Sep. Kyusyu Island

-2005 Apr. Snowmelt Disasters

-2005 Mar. Genkai Isl. Earthquake

-2004 Oct. The Chuetsu Earthquake in Niigata Pref.

-2004 Oct. Shikoku & Kinki

-2004 Sep. Mie & Kagawa

-2004 Aug. Ehime & Kochi

-2004 Jul.-Aug. Shikoku

-2004 Jul. Fukui

-2004 Jul. Niigata-Fukushima

-2003 July, Kyushu

-2002 Nov, Toyama Pref

-1998-2003, Mie Pref