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Definition of Technical Term
Cases of Disaster
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Cases of Disaster
-2009 July, The sediment-related disasters due to a heavy rain in Chugoku and north Kyushu Region
The sediment-related disasters due to a heavy rain in Chugoku and north Kyushu Region, July, 2009
-2008 June, Steep slope failure in Kumamoto
2008 June, Steep slope failure in Kumamoto
-2008 Jun., Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake, Iwate and Miyagi pref.
The Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008
-2008 June, Steep slope failure in Oita
2008 June, Steep slope failure in Oita
-2008 Apr., Landslide attacked Geothermal Power Station, Iwate pref., Japan 2008 Apr.
2008 Apr., Landslide attacked Geothermal Power Station, Iwate pref., Japan 2008 Apr.
-2007 Jul, The Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake
The Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake in 2007
-2007 Mar.Ishikawa
Landslide Dam formed in Kawarada river in Ishikawa Pref.
-2006 Jun.-Aug., Japan
Monsoon Disaster in Japan, 2006
-2006 May. Gifu
Landslide disasters in Gifu Pref.
-2005 Sep. Kyusyu Island
Sediment-related disaster during Typhoon No.14 in Sep. 2005
-2005 Apr. Snowmelt Disasters
Sediment-related disasters caused by snowmelt in 2005 (quick report)
-2005 Mar. Genkai Isl. Earthquake
Sediment-related disasters in the Off West Fukuoka Earthquake on March 20, 2005 (Preliminary report)
-2004 Oct. The Chuetsu Earthquake in Niigata Pref.
Sediment-related disasters due to the Chuetsu Earthquake in 2004
Sediment-related disasters due to the Chuetsu Earthquake in Niigata Prefecture in 2004
-2004 Oct. Shikoku & Kinki
Sediment-related disasters during Typhoon No. 23 in October 2004 (Kinki Region)
Sediment-related disasters during Typhoon No. 23 in October 2004 (Shikoku Region)
-2004 Sep. Mie & Kagawa
Sediment-related disasters during Typhoon No. 21 in October 2004 (Kagawa Prefecture)
Sediment-related disasters during Typhoon No. 21 in September 2004 (Mie Prefecture)
-2004 Aug. Ehime & Kochi
Sediment-related disasters during Typhoon No. 15 in August 2004 (1)
-2004 Jul.-Aug. Shikoku
Sediment-related disasters during Typhoons No. 10 and No. 11 in August 2004
-2004 Jul. Fukui
Sediment-related disasters during the Fukui Heavy Rain in July 2004
-2004 Jul. Niigata-Fukushima
Sediment-related disasters during the Niigata-Fukushima Heavy Rains in July 2004
-2003 July, Kyushu
Sediment-related disasters at many places in Kyushu
Sediment Movement Trace
Response to Sediment-related Disasters
Main Sediment-related Disasters Occurring in July
-2002 Nov, Toyama Pref
Himi City, Toyama Pref. Landslide Disasters and Measures
Process of Landslide and Initial Measures
Landslide Mechanism
Preventive Works against Landslides and Monitoring
-1998-2003, Mie Pref
Preventive Measures against Debris Flows in River Basins around Mount Fujiwaradake
Records of Debris Flowse
Construction of Sabo Facilities and their Effects
Sabo Facilities at Nishinogaito River
Sabo Facilities at Kotaki River
Provision of information for supporting warning and evacuation activities
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