2005 Jan, Japan

Name/Title The United Nations World Conference on Disaster Redution Venue: Country,City Japan, Kobe Date Jan 18-22,2005 Organizer United Nations Abstract On January 18-22, 2005, the United Nations World Conference on Disaster Reduction (WCDR) was held in Kobe, Japan. Responding to the Tsunami disaster in the Pacific Ocean that caused devastating damage at the end of…

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2004 Dec, Philippines

Name/Title Follow-up Seminar on JICA Group Training Course -Volcanology and Volcanic Sabo Engineering/Volcanology and Sabo Engineering Venue: Country,City Philippines, Manila Date Dec. 5-10, 2004 Organizer Japan International Cooperation Agency Abstract 1. Introduction The Group Training Course in Volcanology and Volcanic Sabo Engineering and the Group Training Course in Volcanology and Sabo Engineering have been provided…

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2004 Oct, Korea

Name/Title Korea-Japan Technical Conference for Preventing Sediment-related Disasters Venue: Country,City Korea, Seoul Date Oct. 27-30, 2004 Organizer Korea Forest Service, Republic of Korea / Sabo Department, River Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan Abstract Name/Title The 3rd Japan-Korea Sediment Disaster Prevention Technology Conference Venue: Country,City Korea, Taejon Date Oct. 28, 2004 Organizer Sabo…

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2004 Oct, China

Name/Title Tyhoon Committee, Thirty-seventh Session Venue: Country,City China, Shanhai Date Oct. 15-20, 2004 Organizer UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific / World Meteorological Organization / Typhoon Committee Abstract The general meeting of the 37th Typhoon Committee was held at the conference room of the Shanghai Municipal Meteorological Administration in Shanghai City,…

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2004 Sept, Korea

Name/Title Workshop on Integration of Risk Analysis and Management of Water-related Disasters into Development Process in the Typhoon Committee Area Venue: Country,City Korea, Seoul Date Sept. 20-24, 2004 Organizer UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific / World Meteorological Organization / Typhoon Committee Abstract

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