About Us

"Harmony with Nature"

Rio+20 (UN Conference on Sustainable Development) was held on 20-22 June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with about 30,000 participants from 188 countries. ISN members might be among them as members of government delegations. The conference was held on the occasion of the 20 years anniversary of Rio Summit (1992 Rio de Janeiro) which was the first of a series of UN Summits on environment and development*.

I took this opportunity to read Rio Declaration adopted by Rio Summit (1992) and found, with a pleasant surprise, that "Harmony with Nature" was the spirit of the Summit as expressed in the first Principle out of 27 Principles of the Declaration**. The same words, as you see, appear on the top page of International Sabo Network (ISN). This indicates that Sabo pursues what world leaders thought and are still thinking essential for the sustainable development of human beings.

ISN started in 2005. Let us thank the founders of ISN for the appropriate wording to express the spirit of Sabo.

Millennium Summit (2000, New York), World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002, Johannesburg), Rio+20 (2012, Rio de Janeiro)
Accessible through internet : "Rio Declaration on Environment and Development"