JICA Group Training Course

homeEx-participants List & Situation Report

Situation Report

First Name  : Modesto Eusebio
Last Name  : Portilla Gamboa
Position  : Associate Professor
Organization  : National University of Colombia
Country  : Colombia

JICA Course: “Training Course in Volcanology and Comprehensive Sediment-related Disaster Prevention Measures”
Year: 2005
Individual Programme: “Geomechanical Behavior of Lahars (Debris-Flow): Between the Fluid Mechanics and Solid Mechanics”. Laboratory of Erosion Control, Department of Forestry, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. Adviser: Professor Takahisa Mizuyama.

During this past year I have been involved in a Doctoral degree at Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences, Technical University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain), where I am developing as a thesis issue “Debris-Flow Hazard Assessment in Andean Areas of Colombia”. In this sense, I am searching about typical Colombian debris-flow events in order to bring into a specific methodology which permits the appropriated formulation of feasible countermeasures according to real situation of Colombia. So, I am continuing my Individual Programme’s research that I took up throughout JICA’s course about Sabo works.

Barcelona (Spain), June 30, 2006