
-2017 Nov., Japan

Name/Title The 12th Japan-Korea Sediment Disaster Prevention Technology Conference
Venue: Country,City Japan, Nara prefecture, Wakayama prefecture, Tokyo and Tsukuba city
Date November 14 to 17, 2017

The 12th Japan-Korea Sediment Disaster Prevention Technology Conference (the Conference) was held from 14 to 17 of November. This Conference has been held since 2002 regularly alternating between Japan and Korea in order to exchange information about the latest trend of the countermeasures against sediment disasters in both countries with the aim of contributing to Sabo administration and the future technical research and development.

This time, in addition to a courtesy call to the Director General of Sabo Department of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on November 16, both parties visited the damaged areas of deep-seated landslide, and observed the countermeasures by the Kii Mountain District Sabo Office and the efforts to raise awareness of disaster prevention by the Sediment Disaster Prevention Technology Center on November 14 and 15, and they visited the research laboratory for driftwood experiment in Tsukuba on November 16.

In the Conference on November 17, both sides introduced their recent sediment disasters and the warning and evacuation systems, and discussed their efforts for disaster prevention.

Disaster site inspection of Akatani, Nara prefecture.

Visit to the Sediment Disaster Prevention Technology Center, Wakayama prefecture.

Courtesy call on Mayor of Nachi-Katsuura, Wakayama prefecture.