
-2007 Oct 15, Japan

Name/Title Japan-Korea-Taiwan Symposium of Sediment-related Disasters
Venue: Country,City Tokyo, Japan
Date Oct 15, 2007

On October 15, 2007, Japan-Korea-Taiwan Symposium of Sediment-related Disasters "The state-of-the-art of the research and measures of sediment-related disasters" was held in Tokyo, Japan. About 60 people participated in the Symposium. The Symposium program is as follows.

"Evaluation of the Rainfall-Triggered Landslides in a Forested Mountain Landscapes"
Sang-Jun Im (Assistant Professor, Seoul National University, Korea)
"Aerial Photography Analysis on the Occurrence Characteristics and Scale of Debris Flow"
Chang-Woo Lee (Researcher, Korea Forest Research Institute, Korea)
"A field study on the sediment-related disaster of Tsaopu areas, Pingtong County in 2005"
Kuang-Jung Tsai (Professor, Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan)
"The Erosion Control and Restoration of Shihmen Reservoir"
Su-Chin Chen (Distinguished Professor and Chairman, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan)
"Diagnosis of synoptic meteorological condition of sediment-related disasters in western Japan—Typhoon and Stationary Front—"
Tetsuya Kubota (Associate Professor, Kyushu University, Japan)
"Responses to sediment-related disasters in the Imogawa River Basin caused by the 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake in Japan"
Yoshiki Nagai (Director, Yuzawa Sabo Office, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Japan)